Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Futurama - Scary Door, Twilight Zone-- thermotron management training


at thermotron the many liars and thieves said -- it's OK -- 

and remember the person you are working with -- thomas bannach -- john tenbrink-- hil sybesma -- roger cannady and associates daniel j O'keefe

are really your enemy thermotron where petty and vindictive is the motto

I Was Only Borrowing It, Part A....... Exodus 20:15,

I Was Only Borrowing It, Part A
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Exodus 20:15, Series: Pathway to Freedom

probably heard every explanation in the book when it comes to stealing.
But as far as God is concerned, stealing is stealing. On today’s
broadcast of Truth For Life with Alistair Begg, we’ll learn more about
stealing, and how it is more than taking a few office supplies.

Recent Broadcasts I Was Only Borrowing It, Part A


i was at thermotron i didn't even know of the word embezzler or how
much "work" it takes.. but by the time i left.. it was a life style that
was taught by the MANAGEMENT TEAM.. it just takes pratice

Exodus 20:15
Thou Shalt Not Steal

Ask the customer to borrw some equipment or your co-worker..
and "forget to return it!!"


"You shall ( not) steal."


story is told of a shopkeeper who was trying to explain business ethics
to his son. "Suppose you discover, after he has left, that a customer
mistakenly gave you a $100.00 bill instead of a ten. Now, here is the
most important question of business ethics: Should you tell your

In New York in the 1860's, gold was carried by
messengers on Wall Street in open bags. When one burst, the bystanders
formed a protective circle around the courier until he was able to pick
it all up. Anyone leaning over got a swift kick in the rear from the
others (Sobel, Panic on Wall Street. NY: MacMillan, 1986, p. 116).

tell us that in ancient Israel, the houses only had curtains across the
doorways; their pagan neighbors had tight-fitting stone doors. Which
kind of society would you rather live in?

Well, today even
double-bolt locks won't keep the Enrons of the world from robbing you
blind. It is time once again to come back to the basics, and surely one
of them is "Thou shalt not steal."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Two Johns - Tenbrink at envirotronics - management training


john wanted everyone to like him--so if you liked to spend time in a bar on a daily basis-- welll there you go