Monday, November 2, 2015

thermotron Say What Again I Dare You management training-- murder your co workers

Thermotron Very Best Of - Berry Wright- thomas bannach replacement

thermotron training with thomas patterson-- berry wright west coast manager replacement

ok get it
 Yes Berry wright asked his co workers about thomas bannach--- what do you think??

well thomas bannach harassed and defrauded 90 % of his co workers-- 

and said it was ok to lie cheat steal embezzle a little bit every day-- 

becasue every one hnows is like that--

Hmmm berry wright only lasted at thermotron for a bout a year---

and Fred Plont the colorado liar and thief-- bad mouthed him because he quit-- 

Oh well-- i guess berry wright didn't like his review-- 

and didn't have "Stupid" on his fore 4 head

Uploaded on Feb 15, 2012

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness.

 For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. 

And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

1 comment:

  1. i knew a few guys who kept their board in the service truck..

    why not!! it really mattered..

    gregory V johnson..hooked a boat trailer to his service truck.. and dragged around a jet boat..

    then tried to swindle the company out of the "extra truck" by switching out the spark plug wires.. and having a machanic .. say that the engine was "bad"

    dean tripp.. said Gee.. i don't know how the wires got switched? DUH???

    but he did get a good deal on the "salesman's car"

    he got a used car lot to give him a trade in value on that car .. that was... LOwwwww.......a few hundred dollars..

    no big deal... thomas bannach ... encouraged ... fraud....

    the salesman before bo bjarno said " he only embezzled about a 100.00 per week"

    he was fired 4 LOW sales.. oh welll... next!!! .. a dime a dozen !!!

    gregory v johnson spent the last year selling realestate..

    and fakeing his work sheets..

    if U need a few days. off
    U can pretend that your wifes mother or father DIED...

    that is good for 3 days off with pay!!

    just have FUN.. this is california.. and the MORONS are in michigan..

    and from michigan.. if U are ...DOUCH... U AIN'T MUCH !!

    JUST LIE... ABOUT IT... !!!


    Thomas Bannach.. said ... it's OK to be CURRUPT... because they are all CURRUPT..


    When thermotron arrives "Watch Out"!!

    Body Language Signs of a Liar – 3 Lying Body Language Signs to Watch Out for

    REMEMBER:... who ever steals the most "WIN'S"

    GIVE HIL SYSBESMA A CALL... he can give u some special TIPS...
