Saturday, January 19, 2019

thermotron management Deal or No Deal -

hermotron tamera kenndy – human RE-sourse- pervert training- + embezzlement

Thermotron — tamera Kennedy–Girls Don’t Poop – human resourse

when i worked at thermotron– human resourse– called me up and asked me what i wanted
 for my 5 year award– ( a ball point pen- or a ??)
well –– Gee i think thomas Bannach is gong to drum — out everyone– out !
 so as not to leave any one left who might talk “bad” about him-
– and as Virginia Norris said– said — well if they are going to “harass you and drum– you out — then
i’ m quiting this company– as the sales and service support person–
so she was replaced with the 5th person — that left because
thomas bannach the holland michigan Pervert and Thermotron slander achieved his objective again–
and Chad the next  Field Sales Engineer– said– hey how do you get customers to — make time to go to lunch with you??
and Gregoy V Johnson– the lyer and thief– said — well who can say ??-
so now that northern california thermotron office — is closed– because
thomas bannach libled and slandered the employee’s
and promoted robbery –thief– embezzlement–
– becasuse he was leaving the sinking ship– and going to ENSECO chamber co- with Randy Bunn–
where he would lie and steal, and embezzle — for a few monthes more — a
and then ENSECO would go to his house — on the week end and fire him-
– i guess he should have called up Thomas Bannach at Thermotron– or maybe Roger Cannady and  associates– as he was their  inner circle who was a false wittness and defrauded his co workers–
theis is why marty rich former employee– said that Gregory V Johnson– wished he was back at Thermotron– with Thomas Bannach–
because at Thermotron  — it was OK it lie cheat steal and embezzle — a little-bit every day
yes loyalty– and fraud — is the only motivation factor– at Thermotron–
Remember the customer is “stupid” and will believe the lie-
– “Well–we’ made some changes sence then”

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