Saturday, June 1, 2019

ChrisRock Careers&Jobs&Money

Thermotron - backstabbing call him gay it's OK. just a joke? | Glassdoor

 Rating: 2 - ‎Review by Former Employee - Field...
Aug 18, 2017 - It's OK to be a backstabber because everyone is a manager. It is OK 2 lie cheat steal embezzle cuz everyone is like this. And we are dutch and ...

Thermotron management it was me (liar) thomas bannach like to brag that he is a good liar

yes at thermotron
it is a requirement to be a good liar and deceiver– when i asked for a Job description at called that out– they started to say “YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM”
2.. the next step is “YoU DON”T GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE”
3.  then — they accuse you of disparaging your co -workers and that you think you are better then them
4.  then they attack you by saying that your work reports are not correct
5.  then your co-workers try to lead you astray to help build a “case against you”
6.. Yes at thermotron we treat you like FAMILY

thermotron we got-a- new liar running the ship

Call a spade a spade Thermotron management liar

Call a spade a spade, and you will never be disrespected by colleages as long as your facts are correct.
What kind of kool-aid are you drinking?
I have the unfortunate ability to spot liars often immediately however this skill only serves to protect me.
When I say liarsI do not mean the average person who tells the occasional lie or a person who may tell more than occasional lies
but the extremely convincing, glib perfect liar who has no tells and is an expert at knowing what people want and how to give it to them.
When they are caught in a lie, they create a better lie to cover it or use their emotional power of manipulation to minimize it so those who know don’t care.
I have met several liars at the workplace, one who defrauded the company of thousands of dollars and took advantage of other co-workers and prior to that I informed all of my co-employees and the boss that he was an untrustworthy liar and I stated facts that proved my case yet they were ignored. In in other situations outside of work and the outcome was similar. People are animals; emotional creatures not rational and when you present the truth they ignore it.

Anyone can spot a normal liar but it is pathological or sociopathic liars that are rarely caught and unless you have evidence that can’t be ignored then don’t even bother.
You’ll look like an asshole and the liar will use their abilities to disparage your reputation.

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