Saturday, June 1, 2019

Thermotron What they don't want you to know | George Carlin hil sybesma thomas bannach daniel joke'efe

thermotron management training — Hil Sybesma said — robbery thief and embezzlement was NOT STEALING


When Roger Cannady and Associates

lied cheated defrauded , libeled and slandered their co workers

roger cannady and associates —

thomas Bannach


thermotron manager training

Thermotron another generation of liers cheats embezzlers–


thermotron another generation of liers cheats embezzlers


Thomas bannach a thermotron

Achmed the Dead Terrorist Has a Son –

Roger cannady and associates – Controlled Chaos

at thermotron the generation of pervert and Queers who brag that they can lie cheat deceive and defraud their co workers– now have “replacement” perverts picking up the slack
When Roger Cannady and Associates  lied cheated defrauded , libled and slandered their co workers
Now with Thomas Bannach and thermotron– it included Daniel DePerdus and all the staff members in the Seattle office, the Employee’s and staff in the San Fransico office, the many people in the L.A.  /conoga park office..
Now because thomas Bannach said it was ok to lie cheat steal embezzle and defraud the customer and co worker’s
Because at Thermotron every one is like that–
Now the Idoit Dummy that Daniel J O’keefe replaced Roger Cannady and associates with
David WaterField this Idoit and Pervert–
said that the offices’ that Thomas Bannnach was the manager
over– stood –out — like– a sore thumb–
becasue as Dean Tripp said it didn’t matter if you did a good job or a bad job–
and ashf_img_edit
it is called working the system–
and AS Gregory V Johnson said —
it dosen’t matter what lies to say about anyone—
so long as you get away with it– and blame it on some one else
he spent 3 years robbing the customers and thermotron and his co workers–
(Elaine Johnson in Human resources looked the other way”
with the help of Roger Cannady and associates, he libeled and slandered his co workers–
and as Randy Bunn the manager at ENSECO chamber company– never could find him — on the job at the customer–
so they went to his house on the weekend –to find him and fire him–
and as i said to randy Bunn well he was a lier and thief thomas bannach aand Roger cannady and his associates,
but ron wiley has spent his whole life as a lier pervert queer at thermotronImage

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